About The Author

Sri Sunkara Sankacharya was born on October 29, 1942 in Australia. He is a Spiritual Philosopher/Teacher and founder of Higher Spiritualism Incorporated, a Tasmania based Charity & Educational Movement. Fifty three years ago graduated certificate from Capital Grammar School, later Wool Classing, Accounting and also holds Ph.D. degrees & Various Licences. He has been exposed to many fields from Martial Arts to business and Tax accounting to property management and development, to a world wide Ministery. He has traveled the Globe over 50 years seeking Spiritual Wisdom and answers to life’s mysteries and spent many years involving scientific research based upon evidence for the survival of human personality beyond death of the physical. He also taught metaphysics, investigated mediums and psychics and indigenous Spiritual understanding from North American Indian Nations to Papua, New Guinea, Belize, New Britain, Vanuatu, and remote Australia. He also studied world’s most scientifically tested physical phenomena medium over 30 years. The author has published numerous works. He is happily married with two sons—Mark and Matthew—both medalist in Junior Olympics in Tai Kwon Do, Mark the Artist, Matthew the Matthew. Contact him at www.hispirit.asn.au.
Didgeridoo by ‘Majjic’ of Tasmania
Viola - ‘God Chant’ by Maxine of Hawaii